5 More Physical Therapy Online Marketing Terms Explained in Simple English

physical therapy online marketing

So, you’ve decide to start focusing on marketing your physical therapy practice online. You know you need to set up a website, a blog and social media pages. You now understand what search engine optimization (SEO) refers to and why it’s necessary to include keywords throughout your website, but there may still be some physical therapy online marketing terms that you don’t understand.

For instance, you may have heard the term web content, but don’t know exactly what that means. The same may be true for inline or outbound marketing, terms you know are important but don’t completely “get.” While you may not think that you need to know all these terms, it never hurts to have a basic comprehension of the ins and outs of physical therapy online marketing in order to better promote your practice. This is a field that’s likely to only grow in the future, so the more you understand it now, the better you’re going to be prepared for what’s ahead.

5 More Physical Therapy Online Marketing Terms Explained

With that said, we present you with 5 more physical therapy online marketing terms explained in simple English:

1. Web Content

Web content refers to all the components that make up a website. This includes the written words on the website, as well as all the images and videos, if any are present. Written content is most important and most likely to help you get found by patients, since search engines like Google and Bing only search through words and can’t do so with images. Good written content with lots of effective keywords is therefore all that’s necessary to initially attract visitors to your site. Once they get there, though, you should keep them engaged with good images, video, layout, and other attractive elements.

2. Content Marketing

The aim of content marketing is to draw more traffic to your website. As mentioned above, this is largely done by using good written content with a number of keywords embedded in it, preferably in a natural way. But you should also consider using good images for content marketing. Using images with people in them, striking images with lots of contrast and images that are strictly relevant to your subject matter can all help to keep your reader’s attention and keep them coming back to your website.

3. Listicle

What are you reading right now? You got it. This very blog is called a listicle, or a numbered list. In this case, the list reviews physical therapy online marketing terms, but listicles can be used for just about anything. For example, “5 Great Physical Therapists from History” or “7 Types of Cutting Edge Physical Therapy that Might Be Able to Help You” can both be used as attractive titles for listicles. The advantage of listicles is that people can skip over the things they already know and read only those that they are unfamiliar with.

4. Outbound Marketing

Traditional marketing is all outbound. It reaches out to the consumer and tries to sell a certain product or service. Consider the advertisements you see in magazines, on billboards and on TV. Did you ask for these advertisements to be shown to you? Of course not. In fact, you were given no choice in the matter, and yet at times they do catch your eye and you end up buying some of those products. In the online world, you may also see similar advertisements on websites fairly often, and sometimes you may receive emails that try to sell you certain products. These are all examples of outbound marketing.

5. Inbound Marketing

These days, people prefer to practice inbound marketing rather than outbound marketing. In inbound marketing, you’re not forcing the patient to look at your advertisements, but instead, you just wait until they reach out to you. How can you accomplish this? It could happen via word of mouth, on social media or in some other way. There are many ways in which a patient could hear about your physical therapy services, and any of these can cause them to look your practice up online. When they do this, you need to have a website, blog and social media pages ready to give them all the information they need. This state of readiness to serve a patient and provide them with information is referred to as inbound marketing.

[titled_box title=”We’re Here to Help Your Physical Therapy Online Marketing” bgColor=”#000000″ textColor=”#000000″]This blog is just the beginning, and improving your physical therapy online marketing campaign takes regular, focused effort. If it seems like too large a task for you to handle on your own, allow E-Rehab to step in and offer our assistance. Contact us today to ask about our services and how we can revamp your practice’s online marketing.[/titled_box]


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