Should You be Using TikTok to Marketing Your Physical Therapy Practice?

tiktok for physical therapy private practices

It’s not an easy question (and if you’d like our short answer, scroll to the bottom for a list of what you should be doing before TikTok).

What many people don’t realize is that Tiktok is the fastest growing app of the decade.  The statistics are mind boggling. 

It’s rapidly growing to a wide audience. Giving you ample opportunity to grow your customer base and engage with your community.

Here’s the biggest reason your practice should be on Tiktok…

In the digital age where ad blockers are prevalent, your advertising strategy needs to adapt. Users are much more likely to engage with content that feels authentic. Tiktok gives you the opportunity to engage your audience with marketing that doesn’t “feel” like marketing.

Here are a few video ideas that you can share on your practice’ Tiktok account:

Take Your Audience Behind the Scenes

People are curious by nature. That’s why taking your audience behind the scenes is so effective. Show them how your practice runs in a way they wouldn’t typically get to see. 

You can walk them through your daily prep process before you unlock the doors. Maybe you and your staff have a fun ritual to kick off the day. You could even share some “day in the life” videos that reveal a typical day for someone in your profession.

 Share “How-To” Videos and Provide Physical Therapy-Specific Advice

Users love helpful content that will show them how to solve a common problem. Not only does this provide genuine value to your audience, but it also endears them to you. Giving reason for them to follow you and regularly check out your content. 

 Take Part in Fun TikTok Trends that Relate to Physical Therapy

Tiktok trends are a fun way to engage with your audience and build some steam behind your account. They’re also an excellent way to show some personality behind your practice and allow customers to truly connect with you. 

It’s important to only jump on trends that relate to your niche. You don’t want to post videos just because they’re popular. Be sure to stay on brand and consistent with your Tiktok approach.

Why This Works…

Many aggressive advertising styles are falling short, especially with younger generations, forcing practice owners to find less invasive ways to attract customers and grow their practice. Creating content on the Tiktok platform will help market your practice in a much more organic way. 

What do you get out of all this?

Tiktok provides an opportunity for customers to truly get to know you. In the long run, this approach will build a much stronger and long-lasting connection with your audience.

Before Social Media Marketing, You Should Do These Things

Social media marketing is appealing.  So may use social media on a daily basis and with the rapid adoption of TikTok there are compelling reasons to use this marketing channel. However, we don’t recommend you do this before you get these strategies right:

  • A great website that tells a compelling story and funnels viewers to your call to action.
  • Email marketing to retain your past patients.
  • Rank on as well as you can on Google – Google is where almost everyone starts their online search for a physical therapy clinic.
  • Have the best reputation in town – trust is the number opportunity for small clinics to differentiate themselves from the big corporations.  There’s no better place to show your community that you can be trusted, than with ratings and reviews on Google and your website.

If you would like to learn more about how can help you get your online marketing right, click here to schedule some time with David Straight, DPT and co-owner of

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